PSIR Paper 2 2016 with Solutions
In this article, all questions of PSIR Optional Paper 2 are answered. Click on the question links to view tha answers.
This article is part of Synopsis IAS Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) Optional Course.
PSIR Paper 2 UPSC 2016 - Question Paper with Solutions
Click on the links for the solutions
1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
PSIR 1a Critically examine the Marxist aspect of political economy approach to the study of comparative politics. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 1b Comment on the decline of political parties and examine whether new social movements shall be alternative strategy for establishing link between government and society. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 1c Discuss the impact of globalization on the internal functioning of the state. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 1d Critically examine the functional and system approaches to the study of international relations. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 1e "A combination of internal pressures (ethnic and regional forces) and external threats (EU, UN, TNC, global market, etc.) has produced what is commonly referred to as a 'crisis of the nation-state'." Elaborate. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 2a Why does global human security need to be emphasized along with economic security? Explain with examples. UPSC 2016, 20 Marks
PSIR 2b Do you endorse that the United Nations needs major changes in its structures and functioning? Suggest the changes for efficient improvements. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 2c Discuss the evolution of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in the post-Cold War period. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 3a "The IMF, World Bank, G-7, GATT and other structures are designed to serve the interests of TNCs, banks and investment firms in a 'new imperial age'." Substantiate with examples of governance of new world order. UPSC 2016, 20 Marks
PSIR 3b Examine in brief the rise and fall of the Cold War. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 3c How does the regionalism shape the world politics? Explain with examples. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 4a Explain the instruments and methods devised for the promotion of national interest. UPSC 2016, 20 Marks
PSIR 4b "The notion of balance of power is notoriously full of confusion." In the light of this quotation, do you think that the concept of balance of power is relevant? UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 4c Do interest groups help to promote democracy or to undermine it? Give your opinion. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
PSIR 5a Which determinant factors play an important role in making India's foreign policy? Illustrate with examples. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 5b Comment on India's contribution to Non-Alignment Movement and its contemporary relevance. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 5c Illustrate the main causes of tension between India and China. Suggest the possibilities of improving relationship. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 5d Critically analyze India's nuclear policy. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 5e "Sometimes we visualize that SAARC's efforts come to halt because of various impediments to regional cooperation." Elaborate with reasonable examples of impediments. UPSC 2016, 10 Marks
PSIR 6a Explain Britain's ouster from EU and bring out its consequences on world economy in general and India in particular. UPSC 2016, 20 Marks
PSIR 6b Comment on India's growing relationship with USA in the background of constrained relations between India and China. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 6c Critically analyze China's role in international politics against India's demand for permanent seat in UN Security Council. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 7a Examine the main problems and challenges involved in looking after environmental concerns in world politics. UPSC 2016, 20 Marks
PSIR 7b Explain the concept of the North-South divide and suggest how structural inequalities between the high wage, high investment industrial North and low wage, low investment predominantly rural South can be reduced. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 7c Discuss the positive and negative impacts of Soviet Union's disintegration on developing nations. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 8a Explain the socio-economic impacts of arms race and identify the obstacles in the way of disarmament. UPSC 2016, 20 Marks
PSIR 8b What are the hopes and aspirations of Look East Policy' of India? Explain. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks
PSIR 8c Discuss the shift of India's foreign policy towards Pakistan in the light of Pathankot incident. UPSC 2016, 15 Marks