PSIR 2a. Discuss the relevance of the normative ethos of the Non-Aligned Movement in magnifying India's soft power in pursuit of her national Interest. UPSC 2023, 20 Marks

India's continued alignment with the normative ethos of the Non-Aligned Movement not only reflects its historical commitment to these principles but also serves to enhance its soft power on the global stage. By championing principles of independence, peace, equity, and humanitarianism, India can pursue its national interests while garnering international support and respect.



The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) emerged during the Cold War as a coalition of nations seeking to remain unaligned with major power blocs.

India played a pivotal role in NAM's formation and has consistently adhered to its principles.

Relevance of NAM's Normative Ethos for India's Soft Power

1. Upholding Independence and Sovereignty

NAM's core principle of non-interference aligns with India's commitment to sovereignty and self-determination.

By championing this principle, India bolsters its soft power as a defender of smaller nations' rights.

2. Promoting Peace and Dispute Resolution

NAM emphasizes peaceful conflict resolution through diplomacy and dialogue.

India's involvement in conflict resolution, such as in Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, aligns with NAM's ideals and enhances its soft power as a mediator.

3. Advocating Social Justice and Equity

NAM prioritizes equitable development, social justice, and anti-colonialism.

India's commitment to South-South cooperation, foreign aid, and development partnerships mirrors these ideals, enhancing its soft power as a responsible global actor.

4. Countering Nuclear Proliferation

NAM's stance against nuclear weapons resonates with India's support for disarmament and its no-first-use nuclear policy.

This alignment strengthens India's soft power as a responsible nuclear state advocating for global disarmament.

5. Cultural Exchange and People-to-People Ties

NAM encourages cultural exchanges and people-to-people interactions among member states.

India's cultural diplomacy initiatives, such as Yoga Day and educational partnerships, amplify its soft power by fostering global goodwill.

6. Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

NAM underscores the importance of humanitarian aid during crises.

India's swift response to humanitarian disasters, including medical diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic, enhances its soft power as a reliable partner.

Criticism and Challenges

Critics argue that NAM's relevance has waned with changing geopolitics and India should focus on other global forums.

Balancing NAM's principles with evolving national interests can be challenging, especially in an increasingly multipolar world.



India's continued alignment with the normative ethos of the Non-Aligned Movement not only reflects its historical commitment to these principles but also serves to enhance its soft power on the global stage. By championing principles of independence, peace, equity, and humanitarianism, India can pursue its national interests while garnering international support and respect.