PSIR 1e Discuss the structure and functions of UN Security Council. 2023, 10 marks
The United Nations Security Council plays a central role in international relations by addressing threats to global peace and security. Its structure, composed of both permanent and non-permanent members, and its functions, including peacekeeping, sanctions, and conflict resolution, are vital for maintaining stability and preventing conflicts worldwide.

Structure of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
Permanent Members (P5)
The UNSC has five permanent members: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
These members have veto power, allowing them to block substantive resolutions.
Non-Permanent Members
The UNSC also includes ten non-permanent members.
These members are elected by the UN General Assembly for two-year terms.
They do not possess veto power but can participate in decision-making and vote on resolutions.
The presidency of the UNSC rotates monthly among its members, following the English alphabetical order of the member countries' names.
The UNSC has several committees that focus on specific issues, such as sanctions, counter-terrorism, and peacekeeping operations.
These committees conduct research and make recommendations to the full council.
Functions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
Maintenance of International Peace and Security
The primary function of the UNSC is to maintain international peace and security, as mandated by the UN Charter.
It addresses conflicts, crises, and threats to global peace through various means, including diplomatic efforts, sanctions, and peacekeeping missions.
Peacekeeping Operations
The UNSC can establish and authorize peacekeeping missions in conflict zones to help restore peace and stability.
It defines the mandate, composition, and rules of engagement for these missions.
Imposition of Sanctions
The UNSC can impose economic and political sanctions on states or entities involved in actions that threaten international peace.
Sanctions can include trade restrictions, arms embargoes, and asset freezes.
Authorization of the Use of Force
In cases of a threat to international peace and security, the UNSC can authorize the use of force.
Such authorization is typically seen as a last resort and is subject to rigorous debate.
Conflict Resolution and Mediation
The UNSC actively engages in conflict resolution and mediation efforts, often appointing special envoys or mediators to facilitate negotiations.
Issuing Statements and Resolutions
The UNSC issues statements and adopts resolutions to express its positions and decisions on various issues.
Resolutions can have binding or non-binding effects, depending on their nature.
Investigating and Reporting
The UNSC can establish committees and mechanisms to investigate specific issues, such as violations of sanctions or chemical weapon use.
These investigative bodies report their findings to the council.
Addressing Humanitarian Crises
The UNSC addresses humanitarian crises, including those resulting from armed conflicts.
It can demand humanitarian access and relief efforts in affected areas.
Adjudicating Legal Disputes
The UNSC can refer legal disputes between states to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for adjudication.
The United Nations Security Council plays a central role in international relations by addressing threats to global peace and security. Its structure, composed of both permanent and non-permanent members, and its functions, including peacekeeping, sanctions, and conflict resolution, are vital for maintaining stability and preventing conflicts worldwide.