PSIR Paper 1 2017 with Solutions

In this article, all questions of PSIR Optional Paper 1 are answered. Click on the question links to view tha answers.

This article is part of Synopsis IAS Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) Optional Course.


PSIR Paper 1 UPSC 2017 - Question Paper with Solutions 

Click on the links for the solutions


1. Comment on the following in about 150 words each:

PSIR 1a According to Sri Aurobindo, Swaraj is a necessary condition for India to accomplish its destined goal. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 1b Neo-liberal perspective of State. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 1c Post-modernism. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 1d Eco-feminism. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 1e Hobbesian notion of Political Obligation. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 2a Rawls' theory of justice is both contractual and distributive. Examine. UPSC 2017, 20 Marks

PSIR 2b Everywhere, inequality is a cause of revolution - Aristotle. Comment. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 2c Define Socialism. Discuss the salient features of Fabian Socialism. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 3a What do you understand by Multiculturalism? Discuss Bhikhu Parekh's views on Multiculturalism. UPSC 2017, 20 Marks

PSIR 3b Deliberative democracy does not have its salience without participation and participatory democracy does not have its credence without deliberations. Comment. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 3c Differentiate between Freedom and Liberty. Discuss Marx's notion of freedom. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 4a Political democracy could not last unless social democracy lay at its base - B.R. Ambedkar. Comment. UPSC 2017, 20 Marks

PSIR 4b Write a brief note on The End of History debate. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 4c What do you understand by the notion of Statecraft? Discuss the theory of statecraft as given by Kautilya. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks


5. Comment on the following in about 150 words each:

PSIR 5a The success of Mahatma Gandhi lay in transforming both political and non-political movements into a unified nationalist movement. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 5b Right to privacy is an intrinsic part of the right to life. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 5c Indian federation has moved from cooperative federation to competitive federation. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 5d State subvention/funding may be an effective instrument in strengthening electoral democracy in India. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 5e In the post-liberalization era, Indian politics is moving from ascriptive politics to developmental politics. UPSC 2017, 10 Marks

PSIR 6a Differentiate parliamentary supremacy from parliamentary sovereignty. Would you consider the Indian Parliament as a Sovereign Parliament? Examine. UPSC 2017, 20 Marks

PSIR 6b Has the 73rd Constitutional Amendment empowered women in panchayats in India? Discuss. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 6c Religion is still an important factor in Indian politics. Discuss. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 7a India has moved from 'one-party dominant system' to 'one-party led coalition'. Discuss. UPSC 2017, 20 Marks

PSIR 7b How is the President of India elected? Outline the salient characteristics of the electoral college of the Indian President. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 7c Examine the role of the National Commission for Minorities in preserving, promoting and protecting the rights of minorities in India. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 8a Judiciary has acquired the role of both, a legislature and an executive in recent years. Examine with suitable examples. UPSC 2017, 20 Marks

PSIR 8b What do you understand by Green Revolution? Do you think that a Second Green Revolution is needed to adequately address the agrarian challenges in contemporary India? Examine. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks

PSIR 8c Differentiate Moderate Nationalism from Extremist/Militant Nationalism in terms of their objectives and means. UPSC 2017, 15 Marks