"Do not hate anybody, because that hatred that comes out from you must, in the long run, come back to you. If you love, that love will come back to you. completing the circle." — Swami Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda underscores the significance of our emotional choices. By choosing to love over hatred, we can set in motion a cycle of positivity and fulfillment in our lives. Ultimately, the quote reminds us that the energy we put into the world tends to return to us, completing the circle of emotions and consequences.



The quotation highlights the profound connection between our emotions and the consequences they can have on our lives. It emphasizes the importance of choosing love over hatred, suggesting that the energy we emit returns to us in some form.


Do not Hate, Hatred Comes Back to You

1. Law of reciprocity: The quote reflects the idea that our actions and emotions have a way of returning to us, often referred to as the law of reciprocity or karma.
2. Negative energy: Hatred generates negative energy within oneself, leading to emotional and psychological turmoil.
3. Long-term consequences: Holding onto hatred can affect one's mental and physical health, leading to stress, anxiety, and even health problems.

4. Poisoning relationships: Hatred can poison not only your own well-being but also your relationships with others as it often leads to conflicts and disputes.

5. Perpetuating a cycle: Hating someone can trigger a cycle of retaliation, where the object of your hatred responds in kind, creating a never-ending cycle of negativity.

6. Hindering personal growth: Hatred can consume one's thoughts and energy, diverting focus from personal growth and positive endeavors.

7. Empathy and understanding: By refraining from hatred, you open yourself up to empathy and understanding, which can lead to more harmonious interactions with others.


Holding onto a grudge against a coworker for a minor disagreement may lead to ongoing tension and workplace hostility, ultimately affecting your own job satisfaction and performance.

The Love Will Come Back to You, Completing The Circle

1. Law of reciprocity: Just as hatred can come back to you, love can also reciprocate in various forms, fostering positive connections.

2. Positive energy: Love generates positive energy, leading to feelings of happiness, contentment, and well-being.

3. Strengthening relationships: Expressing love and kindness strengthens relationships, leading to trust, support, and a sense of belonging.

4. Promoting goodwill: Acts of love and kindness can inspire others to respond in kind, creating a ripple effect of positivity.

5. Emotional resilience: Love and support from others can provide emotional resilience and a safety net during challenging times.

6. Personal growth: Acts of love often involve empathy, understanding, and selflessness, which contribute to personal growth and emotional maturity.

7. Completing the circle: By loving others, you foster a cycle of positivity and reciprocity, creating a more compassionate and harmonious world.


Helping a neighbor in need without expecting anything in return can lead to a strong sense of community where neighbors are more likely to assist you in your time of need, completing the circle of mutual support and care.



Swami Vivekananda underscores the significance of our emotional choices. By choosing to love over hatred, we can set in motion a cycle of positivity and fulfillment in our lives. Ultimately, the quote reminds us that the energy we put into the world tends to return to us, completing the circle of emotions and consequences.