UPSC Essay 2022- Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world

This article provides an structure and approach for the topic "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.". I have written a small demo essay in the end of this article. 

You can expand on each section by including relevant examples, case studies, and supporting evidence to strengthen your arguments.

It is part of our Essay Course for UPSC and in Mains Answer Building Course. You can click on the links to enroll.



When approaching the topic, we can present a counter view. e.g.

"Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world, however they have significant power in political discourse."

For an essay, it is important to consider a balanced and nuanced perspective. There can be many approaches. Here's an approach you can take:


  • Introduce the topic and its significance.
  • Highlighting the power and influence of poets as legislators in society.
  • Emphasize the influential role of poets in shaping political discourse and inspiring social movements.
  • Highlight the historical and contemporary significance of poets as catalysts for political change.

Extended Introduction

Historical Perspective:

   1. Explore the long-standing tradition of poets as influential figures throughout history.
   2. Discuss examples of renowned poets who have shaped societies and influenced political movements.

Poetry as a Means of Communication and Connection:

   1. Explain how poetry has the ability to convey complex emotions and ideas throughout ages.
   2. Highlight the role of poets in capturing the essence of the human experience and bridging cultural divides.


Poets as unacknowledged Legislators:

Shaping Societal Values and Norms:

   1. Analyze how poets have used their literary works to challenge social conventions and advocate for change.
   2. Discuss the influence of poets in shaping societal values, ethics, and moral compass.

Inspirational Leadership:

   1. Explore the charismatic leadership qualities often associated with poets.
   2. Highlight how poets inspire and motivate individuals and communities to strive for a better society.

Political Expression

The Power of Words:

   1. Discuss how poetry, as a form of artistic expression, can convey powerful messages and evoke strong emotions.
   2. Highlight the ability of poetry to communicate complex political ideas in a concise and impactful manner.

Challenging the Status Quo:

   1. Explore how poets have used their words to critique oppressive systems, social injustices, and political regimes.
   2. Discuss the role of poets in raising awareness and provoking critical thinking among the masses.

Inspiring Political Movements:

Fueling Resistance and Revolution:
   1. Examine historical examples where poets played a significant role in inspiring political revolutions or resistance movements.
   2. Discuss how their poetry served as a rallying cry for change and mobilized individuals towards collective action.

Giving Voice to the Marginalized:

   1. Explore how poets have given voice to marginalized communities, amplifying their experiences and struggles.
   2. Discuss the role of poets in advocating for social justice, equality, and the rights of marginalized groups.

Shaping Political Discourse:

Influence on Public Opinion:

   1. Examine how poets have influenced public opinion by offering alternative perspectives and challenging dominant narratives.
   2. Discuss the impact of their poetry in shaping public discourse and promoting dialogue on political issues.

Humanizing Political Issues:

   1. Highlight the ability of poets to humanize political issues and foster empathy among the audience.
   2. Discuss how their poetry can bridge divides and create spaces for understanding and empathy in politically charged contexts.

Poets as Harbingers of Social Justice:

Dalit Poets and the Assertion of Identity:
•    Explore the works of Dalit poets like Namdeo Dhasal, Meena Kandasamy, and P. Sivakami.
•    Discuss how their poetry gives voice to the marginalized and challenges social hierarchies.
•    Explain how their poems have become symbols of resistance and empowerment.


Case Studies

Case Studies from India:

Rabindranath Tagore:
   1. Discuss Tagore's contributions as a poet, philosopher, and nationalist.
   2. Highlight his influence on the Indian independence movement and his role in shaping modern India.
Subramania Bharati:
   1. Explore Bharati's poetic works and his impact on Tamil literature and the nationalist movement.
   2. Discuss his role in promoting social reform and advocating for equality.
Agha Shahid Ali:
   1. Explore Ali's poetry as a reflection of the political turmoil in Kashmir.
   2. Discuss his role in bringing international attention to the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination.
Faiz Ahmed Faiz:
   1. Highlight the poetic works of Faiz Ahmed Faiz, a prominent Urdu poet and human rights advocate.
   2. Discuss how his poetry addressed social issues, inequality, and political repression.
   3. Cite specific poems and their impact on inspiring social consciousness and activism.

Case Studies from the World:

Langston Hughes:
   1. Discuss Hughes' poetry as a voice for the African American community during the Harlem Renaissance.
   2. Highlight his contributions to the civil rights movement and his advocacy for racial equality.
Pablo Neruda:
   1. Examine Neruda's poetry and his involvement in political activism.
   2. Discuss his influence on the labor movement in Chile and his role as a political figure.
Maya Angelou:
   1. Explore Angelou's poetic contributions and her influence on civil rights activism.
   2. Discuss how her words resonated with marginalized communities and inspired social change.


The Relevance of Poets in the Modern World:

Poetry as a Tool for Social Critique:

   1. Discuss how contemporary poets continue to address societal issues and challenge the status quo.
   2. Highlight the impact of poets in shedding light on social injustices and advocating for reform.
Poets as Agents of Healing and Unity:
   1. Explore the role of poets in promoting healing and reconciliation in divided societies.
   2. Discuss the power of poetry in fostering empathy and understanding among diverse communities.

Poets as Cultural Critics:

   1. Discuss the role of contemporary poets in critiquing political systems, policies, and societal issues.
   2. Highlight how their poetry reflects and responds to the current political climate.

Social Media and Poetry:

   1. Explore the use of social media platforms by poets to reach wider audiences and engage in political discourse.
   2. Discuss the impact of social media on the dissemination of politically charged poetry and its role in mobilizing movements.

Environmental Concerns in Poetry:

1.    Examine the works of contemporary Indian poets addressing environmental degradation and climate change.
2.    Discuss how their poetry raises awareness, inspires activism, and advocates for sustainable practices.
3.    Provide examples of poets and specific poems highlighting environmental issues.

Women's Empowerment and Feminist Poetry:

1.    Explore the rise of feminist poetry in India and its role in challenging patriarchal norms.
2.    Discuss the works of poets like Kamala Das, Arundhathi Subramaniam, and Tishani Doshi.
3.    Highlight specific poems that articulate women's experiences, gender equality, and empowerment.


Poets: The Unacknowledged Legislators

- Poets' influence on political power often goes unrecognized despite its significance.

Factors Contributing to Unrecognized Influence
- Artistic Expression: Poets communicate through art, which may be undervalued in politics.
- Emotional and Personal Impact: Poetry resonates on an emotional and individual level.
- Influence on Public Opinion: Poets shape public sentiment indirectly.
- Lack of Formal Positions: Poets generally do not hold direct political power.
- Cultural and Historical Context: Recognition varies based on cultural biases and perceptions.

Implications and Challenges
- Limited Attribution: The connection between poetic influence and political outcomes is indirect.
- Underestimation of Impact: Poets' contributions may be overshadowed by traditional political figures.
- Cultural Bias: Recognition can be influenced by cultural and historical factors.



- Poets continue to shape hearts and minds, challenge norms, and inspire change.
- Despite obstacles, their impact on political power remains significant, though often unrecognized.
- Reinforce the idea that poets possess a unique ability to influence, inspire, and shape politics and society.
- Reiterate the influential role of poets in political movements, challenging the status quo, inspiring change, and shaping political discourse.
- Emphasize the enduring relevance of poets as powerful agents for social and political transformation.
- Appreciation of poetry as a powerful force for social change.


Demo Essay for UPSC "Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world"

I am writing a small demo essay for this topic. You can always expand to this content.

Tip: Write a creative title, a little different from the actual.


Title: The Unacknowledged Role of Poets as Important Legislators in Politics

Poetry, often regarded as the language of the soul, has the power to evoke emotions, inspire change, and challenge societal norms. While poets have historically played a vital role in shaping political discourse, their contributions often go unnoticed. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of poets as important legislators in the world of politics and shed light on the need to acknowledge their invaluable role.

Section 1: Historical Significance of Poets in Politics

Throughout history, poets have used their verses to capture the essence of political movements, express dissent, and advocate for social change. From ancient Greek lyricists to renowned figures like William Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagore, and Maya Angelou, poets have been instrumental in shaping the political landscape. Their works have become timeless reflections of the triumphs, struggles, and aspirations of society, serving as catalysts for change and inspiring generations.

Section 2: The Power of Poetry in Political Discourse

Poetry possesses a unique ability to communicate complex ideas and emotions in a concise and impactful manner. Poets distill intricate political concepts into evocative metaphors, vivid imagery, and rhythmic language that resonate deeply with the masses. Through their verses, they can encapsulate the sentiments of the people, raise awareness about social issues, and challenge oppressive systems, making them effective agents of political transformation.

Section 3: Poets as Advocates for Social Change

Poets often find themselves at the forefront of social movements, acting as powerful advocates for change. Their verses can give voice to the marginalized, highlight injustices, and bring attention to pressing societal concerns. By engaging with political themes and amplifying the struggles of the oppressed, poets serve as catalysts for mobilizing public sentiment, creating awareness, and demanding action from policymakers.

Section 4: The Unacknowledged Role of Poets in Politics

Despite their profound impact, poets are often overlooked in political discussions and their role as legislators is frequently unacknowledged. While politicians, activists, and scholars dominate the discourse, the poetic voice is marginalized, leaving a void in political dialogue. Recognizing the unique perspective and creative insights poets bring to the table can enrich political decision-making processes and foster a more inclusive and empathetic society.

Section 5: The Need for Acknowledgment and Integration

To fully harness the potential of poets as important legislators, there is a pressing need to acknowledge their role and integrate their perspectives into political realms. By including poets in policy discussions, governments can tap into a vast array of ideas and narratives that reflect the diverse experiences of the population. Collaborating with poets can lead to innovative policy solutions, foster greater public engagement, and bridge the gap between policymakers and the people they represent.


Poets have long served as the unsung legislators of the world, offering profound insights into the human condition and political landscape through their craft. It is high time we recognize their vital role in shaping political discourse and leverage their unique perspective to drive positive change. By embracing poets as important contributors to the political arena, we can create a more empathetic and inclusive society that truly represents the aspirations and concerns of its citizens.


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