History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man. UPSC Essay 2022

This article provides an structure and approach for the topic "History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man". I have written a small demo essay in the end of this article. 

You can expand on each section by including relevant examples, case studies, and supporting evidence to strengthen your arguments.

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When approaching the topic, we can present a counter view. e.g.

"Although History is won by scientific man, but it is written and preserved by the romantic man."

For an essay, it is important to consider a balanced and nuanced perspective. There can be many approaches. Here's an approach you can take:


Before starting, Let us understand the difference between scieitific man vs romantic man.

Traits of Scientific Man:

- Rationality: Prioritizes logic, reason, and empirical evidence.
- Objectivity: Strives for impartiality and bases conclusions on measurable data.
- Skepticism: Questions existing knowledge and critically evaluates claims.
- Methodical: Follows structured approaches and scientific methodologies.
- Focus on the physical world: Emphasizes the study of tangible, observable phenomena.

Traits of Romantic Man:

- Emotion and Imagination: Values emotions, intuition, and subjective experiences.
- Subjectivity: Perceives the world through personal emotions and beliefs.
- Idealism: Seeks beauty, meaning, and transcendence in various aspects of life.
- Intuition: Relies on intuition and inspiration to guide actions and decisions.
- Appreciation for the abstract: Values abstract concepts and metaphorical representations.



- Introduce the topic and provide a brief explanation of the contrasting characteristics of the scientific man and the romantic man.

Initiate Body/ Expand Intro:

1. Explore the Contributions of the Scientific Man:
- Discuss significant achievements and advancements brought about by scientific thinking throughout history.
- Provide examples of scientific breakthroughs, technological advancements, and their impact on society.
- Highlight how the scientific approach has contributed to our understanding of the physical world and improved various aspects of human life.

2. Examine the Contributions of the Romantic Man:
- Discuss the contributions of art, literature, music, and other forms of creative expression in history.
- Explore the role of the romantic man in shaping cultural, social, and emotional aspects of human experience.
- Illustrate how the romantic approach has influenced philosophy, spirituality, and the exploration of abstract concepts.


History: Story of Victories of the Scientific Man over the Romantic Man

1. Scientific Advancements in Understanding the World
- Discuss how scientific advancements have led to a deeper understanding of the world.
- Examples: Copernican Revolution, Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

2. Triumphs of Rationality and Objectivity
- Explore how the scientific approach has triumphed over romanticism in various domains.
- Subheading: Medicine and Healthcare
   - Discuss breakthroughs in medical science and advancements in healthcare.
   - Examples: Vaccines, antibiotics, surgical techniques.

- Subheading: Technology and Industry
   - Highlight how scientific innovations have transformed industries and economies.
   - Examples: Industrial Revolution, Information Technology revolution.

3. Challenging Superstitions and Unfounded Beliefs
- Explain how the scientific mindset has challenged superstitions and unfounded beliefs.
- Subheading: Astronomy and Cosmology
   - Discuss how scientific discoveries have debunked mythological and superstitious beliefs about celestial bodies.
   - Example: Heliocentric model replacing geocentric beliefs.

- Subheading: Psychology and Mental Health
   - Explore how scientific approaches to psychology have demystified and treated mental health conditions.
   - Example: Freud's psychoanalysis challenging traditional beliefs about mental disorders.

4. Enhancing Human Progress and Well-being
- Highlight how scientific advancements have improved human progress and well-being.
- Subheading: Agriculture and Food Production
   - Discuss scientific advancements in agriculture leading to increased food production and addressing hunger.
   - Examples: Green Revolution, genetically modified crops.

- Subheading: Communication and Connectivity
   - Explore how scientific developments have revolutionized communication and connectivity.
   - Examples: Internet, telecommunications.

5. The Integration of Science and Romanticism
- Acknowledge the importance of integrating scientific and romantic perspectives.
- Discuss the value of blending rationality with emotion and creativity for holistic progress.


Counter View

We can present a counter view. e.g. Although History is won by scientific man, but it is written and preserved by the romantic man.

Romantic Man: Presentation and Preservation of History:

- The romantic perspective adds subjective and emotional elements to historical narratives.
- Capturing cultural nuances, personal experiences, and societal values.

- Narrative Power: Romantic individuals possess the ability to weave compelling narratives that engage and captivate readers, making history accessible and memorable.
- Literary Works: Historical novels, poems, and fictionalized accounts written by romantic individuals provide vivid and emotional portrayals of past events, allowing readers to connect on a deeper level.
- Artistic Representations: Paintings, sculptures, and other forms of visual art can capture historical moments, conveying emotions and preserving them for future generations.


1. Epics and folklore: The Mahabharata and Ramayana are epic tales that have been passed down through generations, portraying India's rich mythological and cultural heritage.

2. Historical novels and poetry: Rabindranath Tagore's "Gitanjali" and Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay's "Anandamath" depict the sentiments and struggles of the Indian freedom movement, inspiring a sense of patriotism and national identity.

3. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy: Tolstoy's masterpiece, "War and Peace," offers a panoramic view of Russian society during the Napoleonic era, presenting a sweeping historical narrative combined with deeply human stories.

4. Shakespeare's Historical Plays: Shakespeare's historical plays, such as "Henry V" and "Richard III," continue to shape public perception of English history, immortalizing monarchs and events through poetic and dramatic storytelling.


Influence and Legacy:

- Shaping Collective Memory: The romantic man's portrayal of historical events and figures shapes public perception and collective memory.
- Emotional Impact: The romantic perspective evokes empathy and emotional resonance, making historical accounts relatable and memorable.
- Cultural Preservation: Romantic works serve as cultural artifacts, preserving the values, traditions, and spirit of a particular era.


The Symbiosis of Scientific and Romantic Perspectives:

- The collaboration of these perspectives enhances the richness and depth of historical narratives.
- Scientific findings provide a foundation, while romantic elements evoke emotional connections.
- Examples:
  1. The Indian independence movement: Scientific research into the socio-political climate and economic factors (scientific) combined with the poetry and speeches of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi (romantic) shaped the narrative and inspiration for freedom fighters.
  2. The preservation of ancient monuments: Scientific conservation techniques coupled with a romantic appreciation for architectural beauty contribute to the preservation of sites such as the Taj Mahal and the Ajanta and Ellora Caves.


Identify Instances of Conflict and Integration:

- Acknowledge that there have been conflicts and tensions between the scientific and romantic perspectives throughout history.
- Discuss instances where these conflicts led to advancements or limitations in human progress.
- Explore examples where the scientific and romantic approaches have intersected and mutually influenced each other.


Limitations and Complementary Nature:

- Discuss the limitations of a purely scientific or romantic approach in addressing complex human issues.
- Emphasize the potential for collaboration and integration between scientific and romantic perspectives.
- Highlight how both approaches can enhance our understanding of the world and contribute to human progress when used in tandem.



- Summarize the key points discussed in the essay, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the contributions and limitations of both the scientific and romantic approaches.
- Emphasize the need for a balanced approach that incorporates both scientific and romantic elements for a comprehensive understanding of the world.

- Emphasize the significance of the romantic man in preserving and shaping historical knowledge through literature, art, and emotional resonance.
- Acknowledge the symbiotic relationship between scientific and romantic perspectives, as both contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the past.




Demo Essay 

I am writing a small demo essay in approximately 500 words. You can expand this content to any length. I have mentioned the major sections of the essay.

Title: The Clash of Science and Romance: Unraveling the Dynamics of History

History bears witness to a perennial clash between the scientific and romantic minds, with victories won by the former shaping the course of human progress. This captivating interplay between two seemingly opposing forces has shaped civilizations, cultures, and the very fabric of society itself.

Section 1: The Triumph of the Scientific Man:

The scientific man, armed with rationality, empirical evidence, and a thirst for knowledge, has been instrumental in propelling humanity forward. Through groundbreaking discoveries, technological advancements, and rigorous experimentation, scientific minds have unravelled the mysteries of the universe, transformed healthcare, and revolutionized industries. From the age of enlightenment to the digital era, the scientific man has emerged victorious, pushing boundaries, challenging norms, and paving the way for a future defined by innovation and progress.

Section 2: The Romantic Man's Role:

While the scientific man claims victories in the realm of knowledge and progress, it is the romantic man who captures and presents these historical triumphs in a compelling narrative. Inspired by emotions, intuition, and imagination, the romantic man weaves stories that evoke passion, ignite curiosity, and resonate deeply with audiences. Through art, literature, music, and other creative mediums, the romantic man brings history to life, imparting a sense of wonder and enchantment that lingers long after the scientific discoveries are made.

Section 3: The Symbiotic Dance:

History showcases the symbiotic relationship between the scientific and romantic minds. The scientific man fuels the endeavors of the romantic man, providing the raw material for inspiration, while the romantic man breathes life into the scientific achievements, bridging the gap between intellect and emotion. Their dance is an intricate interplay that has shaped our collective consciousness, fostering a deep appreciation for both the rational and the imaginative aspects of the human experience.

Section 4: A Tapestry of Human Progress:

As the annals of history unfold, it becomes evident that the triumphs of the scientific man and the narratives of the romantic man are inseparable. From the Renaissance's fusion of art and science to the Space Age's wonder-inspiring missions, it is their combined efforts that have propelled humanity forward. By recognizing and celebrating both the scientific and romantic dimensions of history, we gain a richer understanding of our past, present, and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.


History is a testament to the victories won by the scientific man, whose pursuit of knowledge and innovation has shaped our world. Yet, it is the romantic man who masterfully presents these triumphs, infusing them with emotion and meaning. By embracing the interplay between these two forces, we can gain a more holistic perspective on the tapestry of human progress.